Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Networking in Passing- Quick Thought

How often do we stop and talk to consumers in line while ordering lunch? Do we acknowledge those that admire our smile, appearance or attire? I have random conversation with different individuals daily and recently decided to talk more about my site. We make this mistake so often because we assume that people have no interest in our brand but we never even tired to talk to them about it. Instead, we stand side-by-side discussing the food, clothes or jewelry that we are about to purchase which are owned by someone else (Promotions & Advertising). Might I add, this is someone that already has money and they could possibly sponsor you. If a person takes a few minutes to talk and hold a conversation with you then you have created a surge of positive energy. You can make your time precious with them by sharing with them some of the things that you do. The great and mighty "Business Card" is the best representation of you and how serious you are about the industry you represent.

Each person that owns a business including clothing line, designers, artist, PR firms, lawyers and financial investors all represent a particular industry. Consumers are always interested in a good product and how it's presented or packaged. I'm implementing this more often in my daily routine for N.B.S and working towards my gorilla marketing tools for my upcoming projects.

Be sure to offer your product and market yourself which will attract more people to your brand. Social media works, however, only you can compliment your product the best.

Stay Encouraged,


Mimi D.

-Networking Business Solutions

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