Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Crossing Tides

Lessons on intertwining business & professional relationships

My Best Friend's Business 
"A friend offered me an opportunity to make additional income which I thought would be beneficial to me and my family. I never considered that our friendship would be at risk later. In the beginning process of starting my career I agreed to do some work for her and it continued for a while. Recently, I was unable to fulfill a task that was asked of me due to an uncontrollable situation. I reached out to her to try to apologize but that only made things worse. Our exchange of words lead to a argument and the ending result left us with a ruined friendship."

Your friendship must be strong enough to endure any obstacles. In business, you are responsible for providing a service and people are counting on you to meet their professional expectations. If the business relationship fails, your personal relationship should not suffer. Everyone has their own feelings on the level of drive needed to experience successes. The amount of effort needed should be expressed to your professional associate in order to hold them accountable. The first moment that you offered the opportunity is the moment that you crossed that personal boundary.

My Significant Other's Expectations 

"Right now I'm dating my co-worker and at times it can be testing. I feel like I have to be on pins and needles every time an attractive woman walks in the building. Now having her there is a perk she understands what I deal with because we work together and often can assist me with requested task asked of me by executive management. Seeing each other everyday all day is not healthy and some separation time is needed."

When you select a mate you look for someone that is interested in being your partner, maybe or maybe not. There are perks to working with your lover and there are downers that can break you apart. You must communicate with your partner the importance of space and act on creating space. In order for you to be productive and accomplish your goals within a business or organization you must set standards by acting on them consistently.

My family Over Everything

"I hired my cousin for a position at the factory because we have a great relationship, wrong decision. Recently, my cousin started being late and calling off for days at a time with excuses of being ill. I noticed the other day on Facebook that he attended a party and obviously forgot that I follow him on social media. I'm starting to regret the fact that I hired him and unfortunately I will be firing him do to lack of performance. I know that this is going to affect our relationship."

Having something to pass down to your children or to other family is important.When you own your own business or invest a great amount of time within a company your expectations for those that work for you are usually high. You should communicate with your family member the expectations that you have before you offer the position. Hold them accountable at the beginning so they have no excuses but to go the extra mile or turn down the opportunity.

Crossing Tides Part #1


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Networking on Main Street in St. Charles, Missouri

Today I decided to attend a networking event in Saint Charles, Missouri which is not too far away from where me and my family reside. The event was held at Little Hills Winery on 501 South Main Street where the hosts and hostesses greeted me at the front entrance with warm smiles. 

My first thought was that maybe I was dressed too casual for this event. Before I could think twice about leaving the hostess escorted me up stairs to their Loft. Once I reached the top of the stairs I was greeted by Mrs. Pat Eberhardt, Member of the St. Charles Chapter of Women's Power Networking (WPN) in Missouri and she welcomed me with open arms. 

I had the chance to network with over 10 entrepreneurs and we took turns sharing the professional services that we all offered. In the process of discussing our past, present and future goals it dawned on me why I was able completely eliminated my fears. By building yet again another foundation outside of my comfort zone. This was only the beginning to building new personal and professional relationship with these ladies; by breaking the ice. It really felt great. We exchanged business cards and goodbyes. I was even offered additional contacts for other entrepreneurs that may be in need of social media assistance.

The message of today is focusing on stepping outside of your comfort zone. Express your interest and be clear about the services you provide. Share any contacts or referrals that you might have so that other connectors can benefit from them. You should not be afraid to shake hands, smile and show your appreciation for the open invitation.

After the WPN Cocktails & Contacts event, I was able to walk along the St. Charles Main Street landmark and take pictures of the small shops, restaurants, historical buildings and the winery. (Images Below)

If your interested in becoming a member of the (WPN) Women's Power Networking, St. Charles Chapter review their group on and click join.     

Best Wishes,


Mix Your Network

Considered changing the scope of your business? Took a leap of faith? Uncertain of your next job position? 

It's okay because you JUST took a leap of faith, changed the scope of your business and made certain that you had additional income. Never apologize for the changes that you make just be wise in your next approach. It should be adding value to your life and making you happy. 

Allow yourself the freedom to meet new people and exchange contacts. Be sure to offer your services and inquire on other services of those that share your interest.

Take A Chance Today!